Every student athletes recruiting process is unique. If you have never experienced this process it can be overwhelming at times but that’s where United Athletic Services comes in. We have coaches on staff to help guide you through this entire process. We are here to help with film evaluation, contacting coaches, College application process and much more to make sure your student athlete is prepared for the College level. Please reach out to us with any additional questions.
You want an opportunity to train with a specific coach for the position you would like to play at the next level? Well no need to worry we can help you out right here at United Athletic Services. We have a skilled position coaches on staff for all positions on the football field. Our sessions last for one hour as we focused on making your weaknesses strengths. Not only do we offer on field training but we also offer film study. With this classroom work you can be a student of the game. Reach out to book a session with one of our coaches.
Are you a skill player looking to elevate your game in the off-season? If so then we have the perfect opportunity for you. Our UAS Blaze travel 7v7 Team is great for player development as well as exposure. From December to May we practice weekly and go on 2-3 trips around the country to compete against the best teams in the country. Reach out to us today to join the family.
We understand that as these young men grow they will experience challenges no just on the field but off the field as well. We have mentors on staff who are here to help with the challenges our student athletes will come across. With tutoring we will make sure we help out with the classes our athletes may not be doing their best in. Our tutoring will focus on bringing out the best academically. Please reach out to us with questions.
Profile and Intro letter for Colleges
Edit 4 Games for Highlight Film
Each Prospect will be assigned a recruiting Coach
Monthly Recruiting tips emailed
List of 5-8 programs we will target for prospect
Profile and Intro letter for College
Edit up to 8 games to Create Highlight Film
Prospect will be assigned a recruiting Coach.
Make a list of 10 programs that we will target for prospects.
Monthly Recruiting Tips
Highlights will be uploaded and sent to coaches
Profile and Intro letter for College
Edit the entire Season and Do Highlights
Make a list of 12-15 schools to target for prospect
Highlights will be uploaded and sent to coaches
Prospect will be assigned a recruiting Coach
Weekly recruiting Tips
Continued services if the client chooses to attend Prep School or
Junior College.